Survey of Financial Security (SFS)

Dataset Information
Name  Survey of Financial Security (SFS)
UUID  dc962b52-0931-46d7-9086-c25d636e9411
Site  Statistics Canada - Research Data Centres
Region  Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Yukon, Saskatchewan
Description  The SFS provides a comprehensive picture of the net worth of Canadians. Information is collected on the value of all major financial and non-financial assets and on the money owing on mortgages, vehicles, credit cards, student loans and other debts. A family's net worth can be thought of as the amount of money they would be left with if they sold all of their assets and paid off all of their debts.
Format  None
Purpose  The purpose of the survey is to collect information from a sample of Canadian households on their assets, debts, employment, income and education. The SFS provides a comprehensive picture of the financial health of Canadians. Information is collected on the value of all major financial and non-financial assets and on the money owing on mortgages, vehicles, credit cards, student loans and other debts.
Scope  The target population for the SFS is families across the ten provinces of Canada. Excluded from the survey are: - the territories, - those living on reserves and other Aboriginal settlements, - official representatives of foreign countries living in Canada and their families, - members of religious and other communal colonies, - members of the Canadian Forces living in military bases, - people living in residences for senior citizens, and - people living full time in institutions, for example, inmates of penal institutions and chronic care patients living in hospitals and nursing homes
Data Level  Individual
Collection Period  01/01/1999-12/31/1999;01/01/2005-12/31/2005;01/01/2012-12/31/2012;01/01/2016-12/31/2019
Last Updated 2023-11-28